Before frequent travelers embark on a new adventure, it is likely that they have conducted some research prior to their departure. Researching the weather, getting the vaccinations required, and obtaining travel insurance, are just 3 simple things you can do to make your travel more enjoyable.
Taking care of your health and comfort while on your journey abroad will make a huge difference to your experience. You will feel well enough to handle great amounts of walking and jet lag as well as be wearing breathable clothing that is cool or warm enough to suit the changes in temperature accordingly.
If you have these 6 things while traveling, you will be prepared for anything that might come your way.
Travel Insurance
We have heard about how we should all get travel insurance. But is it really worth it? The answer is yes. You never know what can happen on a trip, and spending a reasonable amount on insurance in the first place can save you big bucks in the long run.
If you aren’t on board with spending a lot on travel insurance, stick to something that includes medical expenses and evacuation. If you are willing to spend a little more, make sure it covers trip cancellation and the loss of baggage.
Backup Power and Plug converters
No one wants to be that person huddled around an airport plug trying to get his or her phone battery to charge. Most phones do not charge quickly so a portable battery will allow you to be on your way without standing and wasting time at a wall outlet.
In an exotic country, you never know when you may or may not have power. Severe weather conditions or being in a developing country without stable electricity will make you wish you had these portable generators.
When traveling to a country with different plugs, your devices will all be unusable. You will want to do your research or bring the proper plug point converter.
One of the most important tasks before a trip to an exotic country is to get all the recommended vaccinations. The best way to determine what types of vaccinations you need is through CDC traveler’s health.
Your health is of utmost importance and you need to protect yourself from potential diseases and viruses. You also do not want to get sick in a country where there aren’t proper hospitals or clinics. Avoid this all together and get all vaccinations required.
Vaccinations will protect you from serious diseases and illnesses but there are other useful medications to have on hand in case you catch a bug. Consult with your doctor before ingesting any prescriptions but over the counter items are typically safe for anyone.
Some handy medications include pain/fever relievers, Benadryl, anti-diarrhea meds, cold relievers, band-aids, Dramamine, insect repellant, and sunscreen. You will thank yourself for bringing these items, especially when you are in an exotic country that may not have these medications or have descriptions written in another language.
Useful Apps
There are two applications you must download on your phone before traveling anywhere. These are Google Translate and Dropbox. In case you are in pharmacy with foreign medication, pull out your Google Translate app and point the camera towards the medicine. It will translate everything you need to know for you.
The Dropbox application will keep all of your documents in one place, especially your photos. Have you ever received the “storage full” message while taking a once in a lifetime photo? You can move all your pictures to Dropbox so you will never have to run out of space on your device.
Must have clothing and toiletries
Before you pack, check the weather of where you are going. You would hate to pack all your winter clothing and then get to a tropical climate. Bring clothing items that are versatile. They should be able to be worn with multiple different things and be comfortable for a variety of activities.
Don’t leave for the airport without these essentials. They will keep you feeling clean and fresh and avoid inconvenient situations like buying food at a restaurant that only takes cash. All travelers should bring hand sanitizer, Kleenex, cash, pen and paper, sleeping mask, granola bars, and business cards.
These are some basic essentials to start with but there are many other ways to further reduce stress while traveling.