A Geórgia é tão pequena e esconde tantas surpresas e atrações que poderia compartilhá-las com um país muito maior. E ... ironicamente, é totalmente desconhecida. A maioria das pessoas confunde esta pequena nação entre a Ásia e a Europa com o estado do mesmo nome nos EUA.
Na Geórgia, você pode ver cidades incríveis, únicas e tão diferentes - Tbilisi e Batumi. Tbilisi, capital do país, apresenta uma arquitetura bonita e encantadora, com suas varandas de madeira penduradas sobre as falésias; fortalezas e igrejas antigas. Entre seus monumentos, Tbilisi também tem o toque moderno - especialmente a bela e iluminada Ponte da Paz.
Batumi, a cidade litorânea, possui uma arquitetura ultramoderna mais extravagante e é provavelmente a cidade mais iluminada à noite que eu já vi.
Não perca as antigas cidades cavernas da Geórgia - habitações esculpidas em rocha que datam do 5º milênio a.c. Elas se assemelham à famosa região da Capadoccia, na Turquia, mas é bem improvável que você veja outros turistas, além de você.
Até mesmo dirigir pela Geórgia é uma atração em si. Dentro de 300km, a paisagem muda de deserto seco e desfiladeiros gigantescos para montanhas arborizadas, picos nevados e finalmente se transforma na área costeira, subtropical cheia de palmeiras e bananeiras.
Dê uma olhada em nossos posts abaixo para descobrir mais sobre nossa aventura na Geórgia:
I bet most of you don't know or have never heard about the country of Georgia (not to be confused with one of the states in the US), let alone its capital city - Tbilisi. Caucasus remains a rare destination for visitors from the west, except those more adventurous. However, if you do decide to visit the region, you will be surprised by its beauty and history.
Sometimes life is unfair and we are unlucky. The same thing could be said about the Caucasus region which has just about anything to become another great tourist destination, however it is so little known in the world. Such diversity of landscapes and architecture packed in such a small area is usually not very common. The country of Georgia with its cities Tbilisi and Batumi seems to be the perfect example. These cities are so close to each other but they are completely different.
Caucasus region is still rarely visited by tourists and backpackers. Maybe this is what makes it special, it's a place that is easily accessible, not far from Europe but seems very different and full of surprises wherever you go - it was the most surprising and nicest airport welcome I have ever encountered while entering a new country.
Georgia is a country which can boast very rich (and difficult) history, breathtaking landscapes and really original cities. This little country, located right in the center among the biggest powers on earth, has always been invaded from all directions. Few people in the West know about it. When you say "Georgia", they think you are talking about the state in the US. And those who know probably wouldn't visit it either. This is apparently because of the media coverage showing only war and poverty. But the war is over now, let's leave the politics aside and have a look at this forgotten place, a hidden jewel located on the crossroads between Europe and Asia.

Vardzia - the monastery dating back to the twelfth century AD, located on the banks of the river Mtkvari is one of the most important historical sites in Georgia. Similar to the cave towns that can be found in Goreme region, Turkey, however this one is even bigger, carved out of the entire wall of the cliff, with beautifully decorated church. The location, in the middle of a huge gorge, offers unforgettable views. Until this day, some monks still live in those caves.