Cabo Verde
As ilhas africanas de Cabo Verde estão ficando cada vez mais populares entre os turistas europeus como alternativa às famosas Ilhas Canárias. As Passagens aéreas podem ser compradas por um preço incrivelmente barato e o clima é mais quente nos meses de inverno.
A ilha mais popular para férias na praia é a de Sal. No entanto, foi a que menos gostamos. As praias com areias douradas são agradáveis, mas é mais um amontoado de hotéis e os turistas são separados da realidade, assim como em outros Resorts fechados desse tipo.
A aventura começa quando você visita as outras ilhas que, embora tão próximas a de Sal, são autênticas, totalmente fora dos roteiros mais conhecidos e sem turistas. Além disso, a natureza é verdadeiramente diversa, de picos vulcânicos a colinas verdes e penhascos espetaculares. As pequenas cidades coloniais também são extremamente acolhedoras e bonitas.
Veja os artigos abaixo para descobrir o que mais ver, além das praias, em Cabo Verde:
Despite of the increasing popularity of the Sal island among European tourists, the other islands of the Cape Verde archipelago are pretty much unknown to an ordinary traveler. Although Sal is packed with resorts as well as fancy hotels and resembles a typical, ordinary beach destination, Fogo remains quiet, idyllic and perfect for those who love different, off the beaten path places. Not to mention its moon-like landscapes formed by the very recent eruption in 2014 of the volcanic peak overlooking the island. Fogo was by far my favorite island of Cape Verde.
Sal is one of the "islands of the sun" within the archipelago of Cape Verde, located off the Senegalese coast. It is the most touristic island where nearly 50 % of winter sun seekers who come from Europe to Cape Verde stay on vacation. Most probably, it is Sal that will be your first contact with this tiny African Country. The island boasts various types of white, sandy beaches suitable for swimming as well as surfing, kitesurfing and diving. Tourist infrastructure is very well developed with multiple hotels and resorts along the coast. If you love lazy beach holidays, you'll find it perfect. However, if you wish to experience some authentic African culture or local life, you won't get it in Sal. The whole island is solely dedicated to tourism and besides the western-style resorts, there's nothing much original there.

Brava is the greenest, coolest and one of the smallest islands of the archipelago Cape Verde. It has its own micro-climate which makes it so unique. Most of the tourists tend to flock to the dry, sandy islands such as Sal or Boa Vista, but in my opinion the less known ones are way more interesting. And Brava was the one we liked the most. Contrary to Sal, in Brava, you won't see any crowds of tourists.
It's located right beside another pretty unique island with the infamous volcano in its center - Fogo (take a look at my post about Fogo to see the entire old village engulfed by lava and a new village with typical round houses made of volcanic rock built by the locals on top of the destroyed town). When you're in Fogo, don't miss Brava - it's so close and it feels like a completely different world! Brava does not have typical sandy beaches but it does have amazing cliffs, coastline, nature and pretty much the most picturesque towns in Cape Verde.