Macedônia do Norte
Macedônia do Norte - mais um pequeno país esquecido dos Balcãs que é um destino surpreendentemente emocionante e extremamente barato. O belo lago Ohrid, com arquitetura única e algumas belas praias agradáveis, é um resort desconhecido e perfeito que merece ser descoberto.
A capital - Skopje - é a capital mais caótica que já vi na Europa. É uma mistura de: antigos mercados otomanos, que se assemelham a Istambul, antigas igrejas cristãs que lembram a Croácia, blocos cinzentos da era soviética e edifícios extremamente modernos (e um pouco brega) estilizados como a Grécia antiga. Sem mencionar o maior número de monumentos malucos do mundo. Mesmo que não seja muito bonito - é incrivelmente interessante!
Fora da capital, muito perto, há o belo Canyon Matka, ao qual você pode chegar facilmente usando o transporte público. No entanto, não fique tentado a percorrer a trilha inteira - para descobrir o por quê e também outras coisas sobre a Macedônia, dê uma olhada nas postagens abaixo:
Macedonia is a tiny country in the middle of the Balkans. It isn't featured in any articles about tourism and no one knows anything about. Similarly to its neighbors (Kosovo, Albania), it's left out by holiday makers heading on to Greece. I, however, love to go against the grain and visit those places that are hidden are almost always skipped by ordinary tourists. So, I chose Macedonia! Although I came from the north (all the way from Slovenia), the first place I stayed in Macedonia was the southern town of Ohrid near Albania and Greece. The Balkans are so diverse that every town and every region has its own unique flavor and distinctive architecture. After virtually spotless Slovenia, Macedonia seemed a bit chaotic and messy. But Lake Ohrid enchanted me so much I didn't want to leave.

Before exploring Skopje deeper, we caught a glimpse of this city while on the way from Belgrade to the beautiful Ohrid – a lakeside town boasting unique architecture, clear waters and nice, calm beaches. It was such a pleasure to be there on a sunny, summer day.
Skopje was a different story. It wasn’t very welcoming at first. The grey, gloomy facade that consisted of communist era blocks defined its borders. At first, I thought the two days we had there were going to be a waste of time. However, I couldn’t be more mistaken. Don’t get me wrong – I wouldn’t say that Skopje is the most beautiful city in Europe, because it isn’t. But its charm was hidden in the fact that I have never seen such a diverse, crazy and chaotic city anywhere else in Europe.